Our Intermediates Learn Leadership Skills from Our Trustee D. Giuliani

Dino Giuliani, our YCDSB Area 3 Trustee,  visited St. Peter’s today to answer our  intermediate students’ hard questions about leadership and schooling.  One grade 7 student, M.G. asked him about the controversy in the media about air conditioning in the schools; a grade 8 student asked him about his role as a trustee, and L.C. asked him how does he balance competing interests of parents, students and teachers demands when all are of equal importance. Whose interests win out?

Mr. Giuliani gained the admiration and respect of our students.  He encouraged them to one day be leaders and give back to their communities as he had done.  Students liked his recollection of St. Peter’s after the Tornado when he witnessed the extensive damage to the furniture and books,  but somehow the crosses survived and remained on the walls.

Our Trustee’s visit was an inspiration to our students.