
Prayer to St. Peter

st peterSt. Peter. leader of the Apostles. you were chosen to be the spiritual guide of our faith community. You are the rock upon which our church and school has been built.

The spiritual guidance of our faith was placed in your hands . Guide our path and let our community shine brightly through the priests . teachers. staff and students who have been member s of the family of St . Peter School. Help us to be strong leaders and defenders of our Christian faith.

Lead us in our search for God’s love in the heart of all His creation. You were and still are the Fisher of people. Embrace and comfort us in your net of love when we need protection from life’s temptations. Guide us to lead a holy and peaceful life. so that we too, can be in the presence of God’s eternal grace.

Help us to be loving children of God’s family. Teach us to nurture and protect each others growth. Christ gave the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven 10 you. St. Peter. give each one of us that key as we, too feel the responsibility to protect God’s Word.
