Dress Code Reminder
Just a reminder that St. Peter is a dress code school. All articles of clothing shall be solid navy, black and white in colour. Clothing shall be free of any writing, logos or pictures.
Just a reminder that St. Peter is a dress code school. All articles of clothing shall be solid navy, black and white in colour. Clothing shall be free of any writing, logos or pictures.
The YCDSB recognizes concerns related to head lice. To prevent head lice from becoming a problem at our school we need to all work together. Please check your child’s head on a regular basis fornits or lice. If you do find lice or nits, YOU MUST CONTACT THE OFFICE so we can notify parents in your child’s class to monitor the situation. A student’s readmission ... Continue reading "Policy 210: Pediculosis"
Curriculum night will be held on Thursday, September 22nd at 7:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you all.
We welcome back our students, staff and families to the St. Peter school community. We are looking forward to a successful school year. Feel free to contact the school should you have any concerns.