Category: General

Holy Cross Catholic Academy: Grade 8 Open House

On Wednesday, November 23rd, beginning at 6:45 pm, Holy Cross Catholic Academy invites Grade 8 students and their parents to our annual Open House. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the vast spectrum of academic programming and co-curricular activities available to students of Holy Cross. Students and their parents will be provided with an extensive tour of our school. Visits to classrooms will ... Continue reading "Holy Cross Catholic Academy: Grade 8 Open House"

Thanksgiving: Please Give to Those in Need

St. Peter’s Luke 4:18 Leadership team invites you to give to those in need through our Thanksgiving Food Drive in support of the Vaughan Food Bank

Our students will be collecting non-perishable food items such as all types of pasta, Kraft dinner, rice, canned food items (soups, fruit, vegetables, beans and tuna), pasta sauces, salad dressings, crackers, biscuits and hot & cold breakfast ... Continue reading "Thanksgiving: Please Give to Those in Need"