Category: General

EQAO for our Grades 3 and 6s

Students in Grade 3 & 6 will be participating in the provincial Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics between May 25 – June 5. In six one hour sessions, students will complete a variety of activities to demonstrate their knowledge in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics. For more information about EQAO you are encouraged to visit

May-June Newsletter

Greetings Parents and Guardians,

Our May-June Newsletter is ready for your information and entertainment.  You will find it under “Parents” tab and then “Newsletters” tab


M. Champagne – Principal



Grade 3 Students create Mother Mary Mural

St Peter’s grade 3 students created this amazing mural. It consists of 36 sections of 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper measuring a total 51 x 66 inches. Each student painted independently one section. It was a great collaborative experience among the students of Ms. Tomei and Mr. Pacheco’s class

Commercial Electronic Messages

Canada’s Antispam Legislation took effect on July 1st, 2014. The new law prohibits the sending of any type of electronic message that is commercial in nature unless the recipient has provided consent first.

As a result, the York Catholic District School Board and its schools require the permission of its parents/guardians in order to receive any electronic messages which contain a commercial element. ... Continue reading "Commercial Electronic Messages"