Advent Mass
Please join us in the gym on December 9 @9:00 am for our Advent Mass. Thank you Liturgical Committee, Choir and Father Michael for leading us in celebration of the coming birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Please join us in the gym on December 9 @9:00 am for our Advent Mass. Thank you Liturgical Committee, Choir and Father Michael for leading us in celebration of the coming birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The second Thursday of each month St. Peter’s students pray the rosary guided by the Rosary Apostolate leaders.
Please find attached December newsletter for your enjoyment and information.
Thanks to Ms. Ferrara, our school will be participating in the global Hour of Code created by Computer Science Education Week and Tens of millions of students in 180+ countries will experience coding through an one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming. St. Peter students will use ipads and chromebooks to learn fundamentals of coding during the week of December 5th. ... Continue reading "Hour of Code"